Constant evolution until now and from now on.

We don't give our customers only a solution to their problems or needs. We carefully think about the reasons why they are having trouble and why those requests were made. Then we carefully think about what functions are necessary for our customers.

We don't just provide a set of superficial functions, but we also try to make each function easier to use and more pleasing to the customer.

Originally, our specialty was a system development. At the time, we have seen a lot of analog and inefficient work being done in contact centers, There was no solution to this problem, therefore we began to create a software package to solve it.

Initially, it was just a simple resource management. From there, we added functions to accommodate agents' wishes, and created a function for recruiting agents to work for us. After experiencing various demands of the customers, depending on the industry, their size, and situation, we added a groupware function for information sharing, an attendance management function for creating work schedules, and an agent evaluation function for goal management. Expectations for the product have gradually risen, and we have added features such as a real-time monitoring function and a function that is compatible with tablets such as the iPad.

In recent years, we have added AI-based work volume prediction and telecommuting solutions. This way the Sweet Series evolved and will continue to evolve in response to customers feedback, changes in social conditions, technological advancements and people's needs.